8.3.2 Portfolio Sliders shortcode

Portfolio Sliders shortcode


  • Style - There you can select the style of this shortcode which you want to use on your site.
  • Interactive Links:
    • Image original size  - There you can select the size of the images.
    • Select Categories - There you can select the categories, which will display on the page.
    • Order by - There you can select how to sort retrieved posts.
    • Sort order - There you can select ascending or descending order.
    • Count posts - There you can select the count of the products, which you want will display on the page.
    • Linked to detail page - There you can enable the link to the detail page.
    • Open link in a new tab? - There you can enable the option, which will open the portfolio element in the new tab.
  • Urban Slider:
    • Image original size  - There you can select the size of the images.
    • Select Categories - There you can select the categories, which will display on the page.
    • Order by - There you can select how to sort retrieved posts.
    • Sort order - There you can select ascending or descending order.
    • Autoplay (sec) - There you can select the time (sec) when your slides start to switch.
    • Speed (milliseconds) - There you can select the time of the speed animation, how your slides will move.
    • Count items - There you can select the count of the items, which will display on the page.
    • Linked to detail page - There you can enable the link to the detail page.
    • Open link in a new tab? - There you can enable the option, which will open the portfolio element in the new tab.
  • Showcase Slider:
    • Image original size  - There you can select the size of the images.
    • Select Categories - There you can select the categories, which will display on the page.
    • Order by - There you can select how to sort retrieved posts.
    • Sort order - There you can select ascending or descending order.
    • Autoplay (sec) - There you can select the time (sec) when your slides start to switch.
    • Speed (milliseconds) - There you can select the time of the speed animation, how your slides will move.
    • Count items - There you can select the count of the items, which will display on the page.
    • Count slides - There you can select the count of the slides, which will display on the page.
    • Linked to detail page - There you can enable the link to the detail page.
    • Open link in a new tab? - There you can enable the option, which will open the portfolio element in the new tab.
  • Landing Split:
    • Image original size  - There you can select the size of the images.
    • Select Categories - There you can select the categories, which will display on the page.
    • Order by - There you can select how to sort retrieved posts.
    • Sort order - There you can select ascending or descending order.
    • Count items - There you can select the count of the items, which will display on the page.
    • Additionaly Button - There you can add the additional button.
    • Button style - There you can select the style of the button.
    • Additional button style - There you can select the style of the button.
    • Linked to detail page - There you can enable the link to the detail page.
    • Open link in a new tab? - There you can enable the option, which will open the portfolio element in the new tab.
  • Split Slider:
    • Image original size  - There you can select the size of the images.
    • Select Categories - There you can select the categories, which will display on the page.
    • Order by - There you can select how to sort retrieved posts.
    • Sort order - There you can select ascending or descending order.
    • Count items - There you can select the count of the items, which will display on the page.
    • Background color 1 - There you can select the color of the background.
    • Background color 2 - There you can select the color of the background.
    • Background color 3 - There you can select the color of the background.
    • Background color 4 - There you can select the color of the background.
    • Button style - There you can select the style of the button.
    • Linked to detail page - There you can enable the link to the detail page.
    • Open link in a new tab? - There you can enable the option, which will open the portfolio element in the new tab.