7.0.2 Header

On this page, you can find the various how you can change your header.

  •  Menu style - Choose the menu type. It can take one of the following values: Classic, Classic With Button, Modern, Full-Screen Menu, Aside, Static Aside, Only Logo. 
  • Enable mobile menu from width 1024px?- Enable mobile menu from width 1024px
  • Type of site logo - Select the image or  the text of the logotypeImage logo style - Here you can select the default style or the custom style for the image logo.
  • Text logo style - Here you can select the default style or the custom style for the text of the logo.
  • Text logo - Here you can write the text of the logo.
  • Text logo style - Here you can select the style of the logo.
  • Add about section on mobile? - This option enables about section in the header for classic menu.
  • Site logo on scroll - There you can write the text of the logo on the scroll.
  • Site logo on mobile - There you can write the text of the logo on the scroll in the mobile device.