Post Slider shortcode
Parent parameters:
Select Categories - Here you can select from which categories will display the posts.
Order by - Here you can select how to sort retrieved posts.
Sort order - Here you can select ascending or descending order.
Count items - Here you can select the count of the posts which will display on the page.
Autoplay (sec) - Here you can select the time (sec) when your images start to switch.
Speed (milliseconds) - Here you can select the time of the speed animation(milliseconds), how your images will move.
Count of slides for large desktop - Here you can select the count of slides for the device.
Count of slides for middle desktop - Here you can select the count of slides for the device.
Count of slides for tablet - Here you can select the count of slides for the device.
Count of slides for mobile - Here you can select the count of slides for the device.
Background Text - Here you can add the text on the background.