Pricing shortcode

Pricing shortcode


Style - There you can select the style of this shortcode which you want to use on your site.

Pricing Item:

  • Pricing name - There you can add the name of the price.
  • Pricing cost - There you can add the cost of the price.
  • Pricing currency - There you can add the currency of the price.
  • Category name - There you can add the category name.
  • Button - There you can add the Url of the link.
  • Button style -  There you can select the style of the button.
  • Pricing params list:
  • Param name - There you can add the param name.
  • Visible as passive - There you can visible as passive.
  • Select item as active - There you can select item as active.
  • Add border - There you can add the border.
  • Add label? - There you can add the label.
Pricing list:
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Description - There you can add the description.
  • Button - There you can add the Url of the link.
  • Button style -  There you can select the style of the button.

Pricing List:

Pricing title - There you can add the title of the price.
Pricing Item:
  • Pricing item title - There you can add the title of the pricing item.
  • Pricing item cost and currency - There you can add the cost and currency.
  • Pricing item params - There you can enter each param from the new line
  • Button - There you can add the Url of the link.
  • Button style -  There you can select the style of the button.
  • Remove fade-in-up animation on load? - There you can to remove the animation on load.