Services shortcode

Services shortcode


  • Style - There you can select the style of the services.

Icon Classic:

  • Icon style - There you can select the icon style: Icon or Image Icon.
  • Icon - There you can select the icon, which you want to use in this shortcode.
  • Icon gradient color 1 - There you can select the gradient color.
  • Icon gradient color 2 - There you can select the gradient color.
  • Title - There you can select the custom text block title.
  • Title color - There you can select the color of your title.
  • Title color on hover - There you can select the color of your title on the hover.
  • Text -  There you can select the text which will display in this shortcode.
  • Text align - There you can select the align of the text.
  • Enable shadow - There you can enable the shadow effect in this shortcode.
  • Enable Link - There you can enable the link.
  • Enable border bottom - Thre you can enable the border of the bottom.
  • Small vertical paddings - Thre you can add (enable) the small vertical paddings.

Icon Modern:

  • Icon style - There you can select the icon style: Icon or Image Icon.
  • Icon - There you can select the icon, which you want to use in this shortcode.
  • Icon color - There you can select the color.
  • Icon hovers color  - There you can select the color on the hover.
  • Image - There you can add the image.
  • Title - There you can select the custom text block title.
  • Link for the title - There you can add the link for the title.
  • Title color - There you can select the color of your title.
  • Title color on hover - There you can select the color of your title on the hover.
  • Text -  There you can select the text which will display in this shortcode.
  • Text align - There you can select the align of the text.
  • Enable shadow - There you can enable the shadow effect in this shortcode.
  • Enable Link - There you can enable the link.
  • Enable border bottom - Thre you can enable the border of the bottom.


  • Icon style - There you can select the icon style: Icon or Image Icon.
  • Icon - There you can select the icon, which you want to use in this shortcode.
  • Icon gradient color 1 - There you can select the gradient color.
  • Icon gradient color 2 - There you can select the gradient color.
  • Icon color - There you can select the color.
  • Icon hovers color  - There you can select the color on the hover.
  • Title - There you can select the custom text block title.
  • Icon background gradient color 1 - There you can select the background gradient color.
  • Icon background gradient color 2  - There you can select the background gradient color.
  • Title color - There you can select the color of your title.
  • Title color on hover - There you can select the color of your title on the hover.
  • Text -  There you can select the text which will display in this shortcode.
  • Text color - There you can select the color of your text.
  • Background - There you can select the color for the background.
  • Background gradient color 1 on hover - There you can select the background color of on the hover.
  • Background gradient color 2 on hover - There you can select the background color of on the hover.
  • Text align - There you can select the align of the text.
  • Enable shadow - There you can enable the shadow effect in this shortcode.
  • Enable Link - There you can enable the link.
  • Enable border bottom - Thre you can enable the border of the bottom.
  • Small vertical paddings - Thre you can add (enable) the small vertical paddings.