Call To Action shortcode
Call To Action shortcode

- Style - There you can select the style of this shortcode which you want to use on your site.
Simple with the icon:
- Add icon - Thre you can add the icon which you want to use.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Description - There you can add the description.
- Light heading text - There you can select the light text in the header.
- Link/Button - There you can select which link you want.
- Button style - There you can select the style of the button.
With images:
- First image - There you can add the first image.
- Second image - There you can add the second image.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Light heading text - There you can select the light text in the header.
- Link/Button - There you can select which link you want.
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