Call to action shortcode
Call to action shortcode
Parent parameters:
- Style - Here you can select the style of this shortcode which you want to use on your site.
- Simple with an icon.
- First image - Here you can add the first image.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Subtitle - There you can add the title.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the ligth color for the heading text.
- Link/Button - Here you can add the URL to the title.
- Button style - Here you can select the style of the button.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.
- With form.
- First image - Here you can add the first image.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Subtitle - There you can add the title.
- Contact form - Here you can add the form ID from shortcode Contact Form 7 Plugin.
- Form style - Here you can select the style for your form.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the light color for the heading text.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.
- Parallax.
- Background Image - Here you can add the image to the background.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the light color for the heading text.
- Link/Button - Here you can add the URL to the title.
- Button style - Here you can select the style of the button.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.
- Classic.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the light color for the heading text.
- Link/Button - Here you can add the URL to the title.
- Button style - Here you can select the style of the button.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.
- With info.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Subtitle - There you can add the title.
- Description info - Here you can add the description info.
- Form style - Here you can select the style for your form.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the light color for the heading text.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.
- Classic with animation.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the light color for the heading text.
- Link/Button - Here you can add the URL to the title.
- Button style - Here you can select the style of the button.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.
- Classic with form.
- Form style - Here you can select the style for your form.
- Title - There you can add the title.
- Subtitle - There you can add the title.
- Contact form - Here you can add the form ID from shortcode Contact Form 7 Plugin.
- Light heading text - Here you can enable the light color for the heading text.
- Choose first Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Choose second Gradient Color - Here you can select the color for the gradient.
- Enter direction - Here you can add the direction.