Image Banner shortcode

Image Banner shortcode

  • Style Banner - There you can select the style for the banner.
  • Modern:
  • Title - There you add the title.
  • Subtitle - There you can add the subtitle.
  • Button - There you can add the link & name for your button.
  • Button style - There you can select the style for the button.
  • Additional button - There you can add the link & name for your additional button.
  • Additional button style - There you can select the style for the additional button.
  • Simple image - There you can add the image.
  • Background image - There you can add the background image.
  • Classic:
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Subtitle - There you can add the subtitle.
  • Enable animation? - There you can enable the animation for this banner.
  • Background image - There you can add the background image for this banner.
  • With video:
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Button - There you can add the link & name for your button.
  • Button style - There you can select the style for the button.
  • Background image - There you can add the background image for this banner.
  • Video link - There you can insert your video link.
  • Simple:
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Button - There you can add the link & name for your button.
  • Button style - There you can select the style for the button.
  • Background image - There you can add the background image for this banner.
  • Enable light text? - There you can enable light text for this banner.
  • Enable overlay? - There you can enable the overlay effect.
  • With breadcrumbs:
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Background image - There you can add the background image for this banner.
  • Enable light text? - There you can enable light text for this banner.
  • Enable breadcrumbs? - There you can enable the breadcrumbs items for this banner.
  • Breadcrumbs position - There you can select the breadcrumbs position.
  • Enable overlay? - There you can enable the overlay effect.