Services shortcode

Services shortcode


  • Style - There you can select the style of this shortcode which you want to use on your site.
  • Simple:
  • Title - There you can select the custom text block title.
  • Description  - There you can add your description.
  • Button - There you can add the link & name for your button.
  • Button style - There you can select the style for the button.
  • Select text alignment - There you can select the alignment for the text.
  • Modern:
  • Icon - There you can select the icon, which you want to use in this shortcode.
  • Icon color - There you can select the color.
  • Title - There you can select the custom text block title.
  • Description  - There you can add your description.
  • Select text alignment - There you can select the alignment for the text.
  • Classic:
  • Simple image - There you can add the image to this section.
  • Title - There you can select the custom text block title.
  • Description  - There you can add your description.
  • Select text alignment - There you can select the alignment for the text.