3.1 Blog Styles

  1. Blog title - This option allows entering the title for your blog.
  2. Blog banner image - Here you can add the image to the blog banner.
  3. Show sidebar on pages - This option allows choosing where you can display the sidebar.
  4. Tags in posts - This option allows display tags (which you will add to your post) in the details posts.
  5. Share buttons in posts - Here you can allow enabling the share buttons.
  6. Categories in posts - This option allows display (which you will add to your post)categories in the details posts.
  7. The author in post details page - Here you can display the author in the post detail page.
  8. Show Biographical Info from User's profile - Here you can display biographical info from user's profile in the post details page.
  9. Show Recent posts - Here you can display recent posts in the post details page.
  10. Comments Form Button Style - Here you can change the button style for comments form.