Headline shortcode
In the settings you will need to select background (simple text or image background), than fill in Title and Subtitle:
Team Members shortcode
You will need to add image, Title, Position and Values (social links) in the Settings:
Skills shortcode
Just add Main Title and Values (Title and Number):
Map shortcode:
In General section fill in the fields: Latitude, Longitude, Map zoom. Choose the style (Default or Custom):
Add contact information to Address, Phones and Emails fields:
Slider shortcode
The Slider is a parent shortcode, which means you will need to add a child one - Slider Itemas :
It can be displayed in two ways, depending on design style:
Style 1
Required set of options:
- Design style - Style 1
- Autoplay - 0
- Click yes on Loop
- Speed - 500
In Slider item upload background image, add Title and Subtitle:
Style 2
The following set of options will be required:
- Design style - Style 2
- Click yes on Show pagination
- Autoplay - 0
- Click yes on Loop
- Speed - 500
In the Slider item upload background image, add Title, Subtitle, Button text and button`s URL:
Portfolio/Gallery shortcode:
In the settings you will need to select:
- Background - Portfolio style
- Count items per line - 4 items(Default)
- Post per page 12
- Select categories
- Order by - ID
Image-video background shortcode
You will need to select Image background in the settings. Than upload image and add Title, Subtitle, button URL:
Title and Icon services
In the settings you will need to add icon, title and the text:
Call to Action
In the settings select background type than add image, title, subtitle and button URL:
Only images will be required to add in this shortcode:
The following fields are necessary to fill in: Background image, Values (Title, Numbers and Icon). You can enable animation here as well:
Step services:
You would need to fill in Title, Text fields and add image. You can add char option by clicking yes on Show background char: