2.1 Portfolio details via dashboard

If you’re hoping to use your WordPress.com site to show off your portfolio separate from your blog posts and pages, the Portfolio content type will let you manage all your portfolio projects in one place. It also gives you a number of different ways to display them on your site.

To Create a new detail Portfolio please move to Portfolio/Add New in     the Dashboard

Then scroll down and select the style for your Portfolio. All Portfolio styles

General Portfolio Options:

1) Select style for the gallery - Here you can select the style of the gallery.

2) Image gallery  - Here you could add images, edit images, remove images.

3) Select size for images of the gallery - Here you can select the size for your images.

4) Blockquote text - Here you can add the "Blockquote text".
5) Blockquote author - Here you can add the name of the blockquote author.
6) Enable Recent Posts? - Here you can enable the option which allows displaying the recent posts.
7) Subtitle for recent posts - Here you can add the subtitle for the recent posts.
8) The title for recent posts - Here you can add the title for the recent posts.
9) Social sharing in portfolio post - Here you can enable the social sharing in portfolio post. (The socials items will display on the page).
10) Navigation in portfolio post - Here you can enable the navigation items (Previous/Next project)
11) External link - Here you can add the link which links to the other website instead of sending to a page. 
12)Enable dark version for this portfolio - Here you can enable the dark version for this portfolio. 

Header Portfolio Options:

1) Page menu - Here you could choose    a page    menu.

2) Change the menu style   for   this   page - Here you can change the style of the menu.

3) Menu style - Here you can select the style of the menu on this page.

4) Show additional button in the menu? - This option allows adding additional button.
5) Button style - Here you can select the button style.

6) Select header style - Here you can select the header style for this page.

7) Site logo - Here you can upload the site logo.

8) Site logo on   the    scroll       - Here you can upload the logo on the scroll.

9) Site logo on mobile - Here you can upload the logo for the mobile device.

Footer Portfolio Options:

1) Footer style - There you can select the footer style.

2) Fixed and transparent footer - Turning on Fixed and transparent footer for this page.
3) Enable Parallax Footer - There you can enable the parallax effect for the
4) Change Footer Background Color - This option allows change the footer background   color   for this page.

5) Change Footer Text Color - Here you can change the   color   of the footer text