Discount shortcode


  • Product image - There you can add the image.
  • Mask image - There you can add the mask image. It will be displayed on the top left side in section
  • Subtitle - There you can add the subtitle.
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Button - There you can select which link you want.
  • Button style - There you can select the style of the button.
  • Add icon for the button - There you can select the icon for a button.
  • Add padding for the section? - There you can add the paddings for the section.
  • Section color background - There you can add the color of the background in the section.
  • Product position for extra large devices - There you can select the position of the product.For devices more 1200px. Specify units in px.
  • Top - There you can select the position on the top.
  • Right - There you can select the position on the right.
  • Bottom - There you can select the position on the bottom.
  • Left - There you can select the position on the left.
  • Add custom padding-top for the section - There you can add the padding.
  • Add custom padding-bottom for the section - There you can add the padding.
  • Add custom margin-top for the product - There you can add the padding.
  • Add custom margin-bottom for the product - There you can add the padding.
  • Product position for large devices - There you can select the position of the product. For devices more 992px. Specify units in px.
  • Product position for medium devices - There you can select the position of the product. For devices more 768px. Specify units in px.
  • Product position for small devices - There you can select the position of the product.For devices less 768px. Specify units in px.