

In the settings select Video Button Circle and click Yes on Background overlay. Than fill in fields: Label button Video, Video url, Params Video Iframe, Date Event, Location, Title, add background image and text in the Description.

Booking banner

For this shortcode type choose Fast Registration Banner style than add data event, location, title, image. Form type - Contact form 7, Select form - book your (contact form): 

CountDown shortcode

In General section fill in Date event, Title fields, add Image and enable Full Height option:


You will only need to fill in Title and select style - Default:

Event shortcode

In the settings select an appropriate post form the list:

 Speakers shortcode

The following set of options are required to select:

  • Order by - ID
  • Order - Ascending
  • Count items - 6
  • Enable Load more button

Counter shortcode

Fill in Title and Count fields, choose Icon style - Et line and add the icon:

Accommodations shortcode

You will need to select from the list: Order by - ID and Order - Ascending. You can add count items and custom categories as well.

Pricing shortcode

In General fill in the fields: title, currency, price subtitle, button text. Click Yes on Best offer and add Woocommerce product ID:

In List Feature you can add Titles and Check items:

Download shortcode

In this shortcode you would need to add image, text and select URL and Title for the button:

Testimonials shortcode

In the settings fill in Name, Position and Text fields, than add image:

Video shortcode

The fields which should be filled in: Icon, Title, Content, Video and Custom buttons. Select Classic style.

Blog shortcode 

To display the  same shortcode as above mentioned, select these two options:

  • Order by - ID
  • Order - Descending

Additionally, you can add custom categories and count item.

Gallery shortcode

Here only Title and images should be added. There is also subtitle field you can use as well:

Logo image 

You would only need to upload image for this for shortcode: 

Google Map 

In General fill in the fields: Latitude, Longitude, Zoom, Marker text. In Map marker select Custom option and add the image.

In Style Map section select the style. Theme style was used in this case:

In Map content select an appropriate content, than add Title and Address Items with icon and text: 

Event Schedule

To create the shortcode go to Dashboard>Events>Add new:

You can add featured image there as well. In General add event date, filling in the location and dates data. You can enable/hide hours, add read more option, choose event author:

In Styling section all changes regarding background and font colors could be made. There is also the possibility to enable comments as well as trackbacks and pingbacks options:
