Theme Options


In General section you can enable page preloader, lazy load, select site style (multipage or one page), add/hide widgets on pages and Google maps key:


In Header section menu style as well as logotype could be selected. You can enable fixed header when scrolling, add header button:

Blog options

With Blog options you can make the following changes in the Blog page: enable header, add header image/title and sidebar. Single post options include share links and posts sidebar: 


You can enable sidebar, Instagram Gallery, back to top options; change footer logotype and menu, add social links, copyright text:

Custom CSS and JavaScript

This section was specially created for you to easy customize your site by adding custom CSS and JavaScript code:

404 page

This option can be used to change the main text in 404 page:

Backup options 

Here you can export backup of your theme than to import it back if needed:


You can view the documentation in this section: 

There are some additional options on every page on the right side of the dashboard - logo, page attributes, featured image. with this options you can make changes on separate pages: