2.3 Import Demo Data
Note: In order to import demo data, make sure that you've installed all required plugins, you can read here how to do that.
To import demo data you need to follow few very simple steps:
Check Minimal Requirements
- Go to appearance > Import Demo Data
- Will Open your first screen of importing Demo Data, Please see there is a minimal requirements that will be great to be followed
- If all the Actual Configurations are green, click Let's Go
Install/Activate Required Plugins
If you missed to install required plugins the next screen will ask you to install mandatory plugins. When you`ll see the notification about required updating Advanced Custom Fields PRO, just click skip this step
In case that you've installed all the Plugins, following screen should show up.
Import Demo Content
Note: We call Demo Content all pages that we've created and page options, widgets etc..
Once you arrived on this page, you've 2 options:
- To import everything
- To Import just that content that you wanna have on your website.
Note, if you choose to IMPORT EVEYTHING, this may not work if you don't have all the php configurations, and also it may take up to 10 minutes .
Import All Content
If you decided to import everything, once clicked Import all content it should redirect you to decide which configuration you will not want to be imported. Please find bellow all the Configuration Options with the explanation.
- Default Pages - All pages that are part of our system and will require to be mandatory saved.Portfolio Details.
- Widgets - All Widgets that are on Blog or other Widgets area.
- Default Theme Options - Predefined Theme Optionns.
- Customizer Options - Predefined WordPress Customizer Theme Options.
After succsessfull import you need to do some updates.
Advanced Custom Fields updates
Go to Dashdoard → Custom Fields and click on Field Groups options.
You will see a list with all the groups of fields. You need to update each of them. To do this, click the "Edit" button, and when the edit panel opens, click the "Update" button.
Then do the same with other groups of fields
Menu updates
Go to Dashboard → Appearance → Menus, and add an icon to each menu item
Pick the "Primary Menu" options and click "Save Menu"
Theme Options updates
Go to Dashboard → Options and add position and social icon to user Options
Click "Update" to save the changes