Banner Slider shortcode

Banner Slider shortcode

 Parent parameters:
  • General:
  • Type Slider - There you can select the type of the banner which you want to use on your site.
  • Extra class name - If you wish to style a particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your CSS file
  • Animation:
  • Autoplay (sec) - There you can select the time (sec) when your slides start to switch.
  • Speed (milliseconds) - There you can select the time Of the Speed Animation(milliseconds), how your slides will move.
  •  Child parameters:

Design slider:

  • Enable light text - Here you can enable light text for this banner
  • Scroll Down - Here you can enable scroll down for this banner


  • Background Image - There you can add the image to the background.
  • Subtitle - There you can add the subtitle.
  • Title - There you can add the title.
  • Button - There you can add the link & name for your button.
  • Button style - There you can select the style of the button.
  • Overlay type - There you can select the overlay type.
  • Socials - Please add social icons
  • Enable light text - Here you can enable light text for this banner
  • Scroll Down - Here you can enable scroll down for this banner
  • Extra class name - If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.