Products Carousel shortcde
Products Carousel shortcde
- Select Categories - You can choose specific categories for products, default is all categories
- Order by - Here you can select how to sort retrieved posts. More at WordPress codex page.
- Sort order - Here you can select ascending or descending order. More at WordPress codex page.
- Count posts - Here you can add the count of the posts
- Columns lg - Here you can select the number of columns to display on large devices
- Columns md - Here you can select the number of columns to display on medium devices
- Columns sm - Here you can select the number of columns to display on small devices
- Columns xs - Here you can select the number of columns to display on extra small devices
- Title - Here you can add the title for this section
- Subtitle - Here you can add the subtitle for this section
- Button - Here you can add the name and the URL for your button
- Button/link style - Please select style of your button