
The theme comes with a number of shortcodes allowing you to add the info where you want the relevant content to show up. In addition, you can use Visual Composer to add new elements to the page in a simple way. 

More information on how to use Visual Composer properly can be found here:

Below is a list of shortcodes included in Miami theme:

Contact Form 7


  • Select contact form – select from list form you want to display. 
  • Search title – enter the title you would like to find.

Miami Simple Slider


  • Title – enter item title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Extra class name – the class name for the element. Allows to set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.

Mami Banner


  • Background image – upload background image. 
  • Title – add title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Gradient button - select URL and add title for this button 
  • Gradient button colors - add colors 
  • Button type - select the button type. It can take one of the following values: link, registration form, booking plugin
  • Button all events - add URL link and title for this button
  • Extra class name – class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Banner Slider


  • Autoplay – add seconds in autoplay. 
  • Loop – check “Yes” if you want to loop slider. 
  • Speed – select slider speed 

Banner Slider Item:

  • Background image – upload background image. 
  • Title – add title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Extra class name – class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Events

General options:

  • Background image – upload background image. 
  • Extra class name – class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Event Item:

  • Date title – add title. 
  • Date – add date. 


  • Person image – upload person image. 
  • Title – add title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Time – add time. 
  • Price – add price. 
  • Currency – add currency. 
  • Extra class name – class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Image Gallery


  • Title event – add event title. 
  • Subtitle event – add subtitle event. 
  • Image event – upload image. 
  • Extra class name – the class name for the element. Allows to set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Heading


  • Icon – upload icon. 
  • Title  – add title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Extra class name –  class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Service Icon


  • Icon image – upload image. 
  • Title  – add title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Extra class name – class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Social Recent Posts

Facebook column:

Facebook Page Id or slug – insert id or slag.

Twitter column:

Twitter Page ID or Slug – add id or slug.
Count Symbol Twitt – add number.


Count Posts – add the number of posts.
Extra class name – the class name for the element. Allows to set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Team


  • Image – upload image. 
  • Name  – add name. 
  • Position – add position 
  • Short description – add short description.


  • Icons – select icons from list. 
  • Url – add address to link. 
  • Extra class name – class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.

Miami Testimonials


  • Image – upload image. 
  • Title  – add the title. 
  • Text – add text. 
  • Extra class name – the class name for the element. Allows to set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.

Video banner


  • Button Video URL - add video link
  • Image video preview - the background image should be added here
  • Params Video iframe - video iframe
  • Subtitle - add  the banner subtitle
  • Title - add the banner title
  • Gradient button play - select color
  • Description - add short description in this field

Google maps shortcode


  • Map height - set the map height. Default value is - 300
  • Map auto center - set map center automatically to show your locations
  • Map type - select the type of map. It can take one of the following values: Single Markers, Directions
  • Activate GeoLocation - select from the list: IP Locations, Off, Browser Location
  • Extra class name - class name for element. Allows to set up additional decorations for element in CSS stylesheets.