
Button shortcode:

This shortcode allows adding the button to your page. 
Templates - Here you can choose template style for your content section (Tatto cross or Tatto line).

Tatto Cross Style:

Button items:

  • Layout - Please, select the button layout.
  • Name - Please, enter the button text.
  • Link - Please, add a URL to the button.
  • Style - Here you can select the button style (dark or light).
  • Size - Here you can select button size (small or large).
  • Type - Here you can select the button type (reverse or transparent).
  • Box shadow - This option allows you to add the box-shadow to the button.
  • Add icon? - Please, turn on the switcher to add the icon.
  • Icon library - Please, select the icon library from the list.
  • Icon - Here you can choose the icon.
  • Icon position - Here you can select the icon position (right or left).
  • Align - Here you can select the icon align.
Add an additional button? - This option allows you to add the additional button.
Button items:
  • Layout - Please, select the button layout.
  • Name - Please, enter the button text.
  • Link - Please, add a URL to the button.
  • Style - Here you can select the button style (dark or light).
  • Size - Here you can select button size (small or large).
  • Type - Here you can select the button type (reverse or transparent).
  • Box shadow - This option allows you to add the box-shadow to the button.

Tatto Line Style:

Button items:

  • Layout - Please, select the button layout.
  • Name - Please, enter the button text.
  • Link - Please, add a URL to the button.
  • Style - Here you can select the button style (dark or light).
  • Add icon? - Please, turn on the switcher to add the icon.
  • Icon library - Please, select the icon library from the list.
  • Icon - Here you can choose the icon.
  • Icon position - Here you can select the icon position (right or left).
  • Align - Here you can select the icon align.

Add an additional button? - This option allows you to add the additional button.

Button items:
  • Layout - Please, select the button layout.
  • Name - Please, enter the button text.
  • Link - Please, add a URL to the button.
  • Style - Here you can select the button style (dark or light).