General Information

We would like to thank you for choosing FoxThemes! We are very pleased that you have purchased our theme for your website! You will have an access to our   online documentation knowledge base and video tutorials, where you can find useful article links which will help you to learn more about the theme, how to solve issues you might run into and how to get in contact with our Support Team.

Requirements for FoxThemes

The Theme can only be used with WordPress and we assume that you already have WordPress installed. If not, you can get more information regarding WordPress installation following these links:

Below is a list of items which are required for successful theme installation: 

  • You are running WordPress 4.6 or higher
  • Your PHP version should be 5.6 or higher
  • PHP configuration limits:  max_execution_time 300

                                                      memory_limit 128M

                                                      post_max_size 32M 

                                                     upload_max_filesize 32M

You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin found here or you can contact your hosting service and ask about your current settings and have them changed in case it is necessary.

Unpacking the theme

After you have downloaded the .zip file from ThemeForest and unzipped it, the following folders will be revealed:

  • Theme package
  • Documentation
  • Licensing

The package folder includes parent and child themes:

After downloading a Theme installation files from ThemeForest, extract it and in the extracted folder locate the Barbershop .zip and Barbershop-child-theme files. You can then install your theme using one of two methods described below.

It really doesn’t matter at all which one of these techniques you want to use, so choose the one which seems to make more sense to you.

1. FTP upload: 

 If you would like to install the theme via FTP, please follow these steps:

  1. Extract the file you previously located. You should now see a folder named
  2. Using an FTP client, login to the server where your WordPress website is hosted
  3. Using an FTP client, navigate to the /wp-content/themes/ directory under your WordPress website’s root directory
  4. Using an FTP client, upload the previously extracted theme wp folder to the themes directory on your remote server

2. WordPress upload: 

For most users, this is probably the simplest installation method. To install the theme using this method, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin panel
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
  3. Click on Choose File and select theme
  4. Click on Install Now
  5. After successful installation click on Activate or proceed to Appearance > Themes and click on Activate to activate the newly installed theme.
  6. After the theme's activation you will be prompted to install recommended plugins


We have an advanced, secure ticket system to handle your requests. All of our items come with 6 months of included support and free lifetime updates for your theme. Our support covers getting setup with the theme, theme related questions and bugs or issues that occur when using the theme.

Customization can be any work you need done to the theme that is not covered by the scope of our support. In most cases, this is anything that falls outside of the options the theme offers.   If you have difficulties with your theme just    Send a ticket here and one of our support experts will help you: 

Theme update

Before you go ahead with the update please check theme changelog and make sure you backup your old theme folder. Download it to your computer locally.
It is the best practice to backup both your files and database regularly and especially before making some serious updates.
Update using FTP client
  • Log into your ThemeForest account and navigate to your downloads tab. Find the theme and download “Installable WordPress file”. prtscreen
  • Connect to your server using desktop client software (we recommend CyberDuck and Filezilla)
  • Change directory to /wp-content/themes
  • Remove existing folder with old theme files
  • Unpack theme installable files downloaded from ThemeForest and upload to themes folder
  • Update the included plugins if you see a notification message letting you know the plugins have a new version.