Navigation Shortcode
Navigation Shortcode:
This shortcode allows adding a section with page navigation.
Content Settings:
Templates - Here you can see template style for your Navigation shortcode - Noize Modern.
Noize Modern Style:
Menu - Please, select the menu to display.
Type of menu - Please, select menu type (Transparent with dark or light text).
Type of logo - Here you can select the logotype (Image or Text).
Image items:
- Logo - Here you can add the image for the logo.
- Add another logo for a scroll? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add another image for a logo on the scroll.
- Logo on scroll - Here you can add the image for the logo on scroll only for fixed header.
- Mobile Logo - Please, add the image for the mobile logo.
- Add another mobile logo for a scroll? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add another image for the mobile logo on the scroll.
- Mobile scroll Logo - Please, add the image for the mobile scroll logo only for fixed header.
Text item:
- Add another logo for a scroll? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add another image for a logo on the scroll.
- Mobile Logo - Please, add the image for the mobile logo.
- Add another mobile logo for a scroll? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add another image for the mobile logo on the scroll.
- Mobile scroll Logo - Please, add the image for the mobile scroll logo only for fixed header.
- Logo - Add some text for logo.
Max width for menu - Here you can enter the max-width value for the menu.
Add Item - Please, add the item to create and edit the network info.
Item Settings:
- Network - Here you can add the network name.
- Url - Add the network link url.
Menu - Here you can add the menu name.