Progressbar Shortcode

Progressbar Shortcode:

This shortcode allows adding a section with progressbar to the page.

Content Settings:

Templates - Here you can choose template style for your Progressbar shortcode (Circle, Progressbar with numbers, Numerical with Icon or Modern Numerical with Icon).

Circle Style:

Counter value - Please, enter the counter value. Notice: For percentage, specify value from 0 to 100.

Heading - Here you can enter the heading text.

Description - Here you can add the text for the description.

Icon Settings:

Add icon - Here you can add an icon.

Icon library - Here select the icon library.

Icon color - Please, select the icon color from the pallete box.

Progressbar with Numbers Style:

Counter value - Please, enter the counter value. Notice: For percentage, specify value from 0 to 100.

Heading - Here you can enter the heading text.

Numerical with Icon Style:

Counter value - Please, enter the counter value. Notice: For percentage, specify value from 0 to 100.

Description - Here you can add the text for the description.

Icon Settings:

Add icon - Here you can add an icon.

Icon library - Here select the icon library.

Icon color - Please, select the icon color from the pallete box.

Modern Numerical with Icon Style:

Counter value - Please, enter the counter value. Notice: For percentage, specify value from 0 to 100.

Description - Here you can add the text for the description.

Icon Settings:

Add icon - Here you can add an icon.

Icon library - Here select the icon library.

Icon color - Please, select the icon color from the pallete box.