Navbar Shortcode

Navbar shortcode:

This shortcode allows adding a section with navbar to the page.

Content Settings:

Templates - Here you can choose template style for your Navbar shortcode (Modern or Simple).

Modern Style:

Type of menu - Please, select the menu style: dark or light.

Number of columns - Here you can select the number of columns for Navbar.

First column links:

Add Item - Click on the button to add the column links.

Item Settings:

  • Type of link - Please, select the link type (phone, email, custom links, just text or social links) and enter the information.

Max width for navbar - Here you can enter the max-width value for the navbar.

Background color for navbar - Here you can select the background color for the navbar.

Remove borders? - Turn on the switch if you want to remove the borders.

Hide on mobile first column? - Turn on the switch to hide the first column on the mobile devices.

Use the custom font for links? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the links typography.

Use the custom font for socials? - This option allows you to customize the socials typography.

Links Typography:

These options are only available if you select the "Use custom font for links" checkbox in the Content settings.

Text Color - Here you can select links color from the palette.

Typography items:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the links.
  • Size - Here you can set up the links size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the links.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the links text. 
  • Style - Please, select text style for the links.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the links decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the links.
  • Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the links.

Socials Typography:

These options are only available if you select the "Use custom font for socials" checkbox in the Content settings.

Text Color - Here you can select social icons color from the palette.

Typography items:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the socials.
  • Size - Here you can set up the social icons size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the social icons.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the social icons text. 
  • Style - Please, select text style for the social icons.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the socials decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the socials.
  • Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the socials.

Simple Style:

Number of columns - Here you can select the number of columns for Navbar.

First column links:

Add Item - Click on the button to add the column links.

Item Settings:

  • Type of link - Please, select the link type (phone, email, custom links, just text or social links) and enter the information.

Background color for navbar - Here you can select the background color for the navbar.

Remove borders? - Turn on the switch if you want to remove the borders.

Hide on mobile first column? - Turn on the switch to hide the first column on the mobile devices.

Use the custom font for links? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the links typography.

Use the custom font for socials? - This option allows you to customize the socials typography.

Links Typography:

These options are only available if you select the "Use custom font for links" checkbox in the Content settings.

Text Color - Here you can select links color from the palette.

Typography items:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the links.
  • Size - Here you can set up the links size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the links.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the links text. 
  • Style - Please, select text style for the links.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the links decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the links.
  • Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the links.

Socials Typography:

These options are only available if you select the "Use custom font for socials" checkbox in the Content settings.

Text Color - Here you can select social icons color from the palette.

Typography items:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the socials.
  • Size - Here you can set up the social icons size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the social icons.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the social icons text. 
  • Style - Please, select text style for the social icons.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the socials decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the socials.
  • Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the socials.