Import Demo Data

Note: In order to import demo data, make sure that you've installed all required plugins, you can read here how to do that.

To import demo data you need to follow a few very simple steps: (Please, note: all file for import you can find in Theme packages)

Import karma-boost.xml file

  1. Go to Dashboard → Tools → Import

  2. Click on WordPress → Install Now → Run Importer

  3. Choose file karma-boost.xml from theme packages folder and click on the buttom "Upload file and Import"

Import karma-boost.txt file

1. Go to Dashboard → Aheto → Import & Export

In the Import Settings Area click on the button "Choose File" [1] and choose file karma-boost.txt from the Theme packages. Then please click on the button "Import" and wait for uploading file. Ready! Your Demo Data is imported!

 Reading Settings

To properly display your pages, please check your Reading Settings. Go to  Dashboard → Settings → Reading

Choose A static page for Your homepage displays and select pages for Homepage and for Post Page

  • Homepage - choose Home
  • Post Page - choose Blog

Do not forget click on the button "Save Changes".