
Testimonials Shortcode:

This shortcode allows adding a section with testimonials to the page.
Content Settings:

Templates - Here you can see template style for your Testimonials shortcode - Modern Style.

Modern Style:

  • Background text - Here you can enter the text for the section background.

Modern Testimonials Items:

Add item - Please, add the item to create and edit the timeline item.

Item Settings:

  • Display Image - Here you can choose the image position.
  • Name - Please, enter the author's name.
  • Position - Here you can add the author position.
  • Testimonial - Please, enter the testimonial text.
  • Rate testimonial - You can select the rate from 1 to 5 

Use custom font for name? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the name typography.

Use custom font for position? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the position typography.

Use custom font for description? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the description typography.

Hide swiper pagination on desktop? - Turn on the switcher to hide the swiper pagination
Add your colors for swiper bullets? - Turn on the switcher to add color swiper bullets
  • Swiper bullet color - Please, select the color for swiper bullet
  • Swiper bullet active color - Please select the color 

Swiper Settings:

Change swiper options? - Turn on switcher if you want to change the following swiper options:

  • Arrows - Turn on the switcher to display swiper in arrows style .
  • Pagination - Turn on the switcher to display the sliders pagination.
  • Loop - Turn on the switcher to display the loop effect.
  • Simulate Touch - Turn on the switcher to display the simulate touch.
  • Autoplay - Please, enter autoplay speed(in ms). 0 - autoplay off.
  • Speed - Please, enter speed(in ms).
  • Number of slides - here you can enter the number of slides by default.
  • Number of slides (lg) - Here you can enter the number of default slides on devices width <1200px.
  • Slide count (md) - Here you can enter the default slider count for devices with a width of <991px.
  • Number of slides (cm) - Here you can enter the default number of slides on devices with a width of <768px.
  • Number of slides (xs) - Here you can enter the default number of slides on devices with a width of <480px.
  • Slide spaces - Here you can enter the spaces between the default slides.
  • Spaces (lg) - Here you can enter spaces between slides on devices with a width of <1200px.
  • Spaces (md) - Here you can enter spaces between slides on devices with a width of <991px.
  • Spaces (cm) - Here you can enter spaces between slides on devices with a width of <768px.
  • Spaces (xs) - Here you can enter slides between devices on widths <480px.

Name Typography:

  • Text Color - Here you can select text color from the palette.
  • Alignment - Here you can select the type of text alignment.
Typography item:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the text.
  • Size - Here you can set up the text size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the text.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text. 
  • Style - Please, select a text style for the text.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the text decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the text
  • Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the text.

Position Typography:

If you turn on the switcher "Use custom font for Position?" in Content Settings you can customize font for the position.

Text Color - Here you can select text color from the palette.

Alignment - Here you can select the type of text alignment.

Typography items:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the text.
  • Size - Here you can set up the text size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the text.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text. 
  • Style - Please, select a text style for the text.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the text decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the text
  • Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the text.

Description Typography:

These options is only available if you select the "Use custom font for description" checkbox in the content settings.

  • Text Color - Here you can select title color from the palette.
  • Alignment - Here you can select the title alignment.
Typography item:
  • Family - Here you can select the typography for the description text.
  • Size - Here you can set up the description text size.
  • Weight - Please, select the weight for the description text.
  • Transform - This option allows to change the case of the description text. 
  • Style - Please, select text style for the description text.
  • Decoration - Please, select a style for the description text decoration.
  • Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the description text.

Images size for testimonials author

Image original size - This option allows to resize image. You can choose needed size from the list or enter custom image width and height.