Before Installing your WordPress theme, make sure to download it from
Few steps on how to do that:
- Go To
- Open Downloads Tab
- Click on Moovit Theme Downloads Button and Click on All Files and Documentation
- After the zip File get downloaded open it and navigate to WordPress Themes - > Moovit Theme
You can find more details on how to install WordPress Theme here
Moovit Theme Installation
The first thing you need to do is log in to your WordPress admin area. Next, click on Appearance » Themes.
Once you are on the themes page, click on the Add New button at the top.
On the next screen, you will have the ability to select from: Featured WordPress themes, Popular WordPress themes, Latest WordPress themes, search for a specific theme or search for themes with specific features.
Go ahead and click on the Upload Theme button.
WordPress will now install your theme and show you a success message along with the link to activate or live preview.
Click on the activate button, and you’ve successfully installed and activated your WordPress theme.
Install Required Plugins
To install the required plugins for your theme, follow these steps:
- Once the theme is installed and activated you will see a message at the top of the screen that advises which plugins are required and which are recommended for the theme:
2. Click on the “Begin installing plugins” link under this message; you will be taken to the “Install Required Plugins” screen.
3. Here you will see a list of the plugins that need to be installed and activated. Click in the tickbox to the left of the “Plugin” title to add a tick to every plugin, then in the “Bulk Actions” drop-down list, select “Install” and click Apply.
4. WordPress will go through the installation process for each plugin; let it run through. Once it finishes, you will see the option to “Return to Required Plugins Installer”; click on this.
5. Now you’re back on the “Install Required Plugins” page we need to activate all your newly-installed plugins. Click on the tick box next to the “Plugin” title to add a tick to all items again, and change the “Bulk Actions” drop-down list option to “Activate”. then click “Apply”.
6. After a few seconds, the page will update and you’ll see a message that the plugins were activated successfully.
Aheto Plugin Setup
To import demo data you need to follow a few very simple steps:
- Go to Dashboard
- Click on Aheto icon on the Pannel → Setting Up → Go to Wizard.
- Introduction. Here open Welcome Page with background information. Read and click on the button "Let`s Go!"
- Builder Install. Please, select Page builder to install. Currently available is Elementor (and WPBakery is coming soon in Aheto updates) and go to the Next Step.
- Required Plugins. On this step, you have to install required plugins for working with Aheto plugin. In case you follow our instructions, these plugins are already installed. Read how to install required plugins
- Import Demo Data. Please select Full or Part Import and click on the button "Continue"
- After successful settings import go to the Ready Demos
Pages Importing
Here you can find the list with ready theme demos. We call theme demo all pages that we've created and page options, settings, widgets, etc. You can import just that content that you wanna have on your website. To do this, select pages that you would like to be imported.
After that, please, enter a page name and click on the button "Create". After notification about successfull creating, click on the button "Import Template"
All imported pages you can view in Dashboard --> Pages ---> All Pages.
Once you imported demo data, you need to update some settings (read details below) to properly display your pages.
1. General Settings Update
Go → Aheto → General Settings. You need to update the Default Builder settings and Skins Settings. To do this, please, select in the settings area Visual Composer as Default Page Builder (1) and Save changes (2). After that, please, restore your changes (select Elementor as Default Page Builder again) and Save Changes.
The same steps must be followed to update your Skin Settings, Global Header and Global Footer and Save Changes
Also, please, select the Page for 404 redirect Page
and insert the Google API Key for properly display Google Maps section on your website
2. Pages Update
Once you imported your page. it will be displaying without header and footer. For the properly display imported pages, please, Go to Dashboard ---> Pages ---> Edit Page and click on the button "Update".
Note: All imported pages should be updated in this way.
NOTE: You will need to upload your own images for your site, as stated in the theme description.Theme images are replaced with placeholders, that are grey rectangles. We do not provide images for Moovit theme, as images do not fall under the release license.
3. Reading Settings
To properly display your pages, please check your Reading Settings. Go to Dashboard → Settings → Reading
Choose A static page for Your homepage displays and select pages for Homepage and for Post Page
- Homepage - choose Home Page
- Post Page - choose Blog
Do not forget click on the button "Save Changes".
4. Woocommerce Settings
If you want to use Shop in your website, please create Cart Page. For doing this:
- create new page "Cart"
- add WooCommerce shortcode [woocommerce_cart]. to this page
- save changes.
- Go to ---> WooCommerce ---> Settings ---> Advanced and select creating page for Cart .
In the same way, please create and add Checkout Page with shortcode [woocommerce_checkout]
Additional Information :
WooCommerce comes with several shortcodes that can be used to insert content inside posts and pages.
- [woocommerce_cart] – shows the cart page
- [woocommerce_checkout] – shows the checkout page
- [woocommerce_my_account] – shows the user account page
- [woocommerce_order_tracking] – shows the order tracking form
In most cases, these shortcodes will be added to pages automatically via our onboarding wizard and do not need to be used manually.
5. Menu Settings
6. Contact Form Customization
- Getting started with Contact Form 7
- Admin screen
- How tags work
- Editing form template
- Setting up mail
- Editing messages
- Additional settings
Detailed information about work with Contact Form 7 plugin you can view in documentation