Promotion style - Here you can select the style of this shortcode which you want to use on your site.
Section image background - Here you can add the image for the section background
Parallax for the background - This option allows to add the parallax effect for the background
Section Image - Here you can add the image for the section
Image Position - Please select the image position
Image Width - Here you can select the image width
Mask image - Will be displayed in the top left side in section
Subtitle - Please add subtitle text
Title - Please add the title text. If you want to add the word which will be marked by the main color, please insert it in <i> tag, for example <i>Hello</i>. And if you want to add the word which will be marked bold, please insert it in <b> tag, for example: <b>Hello</b>
Description - Here you can add the description text
Button - Here you can add link & name for your button.
Style button - Here you can select the style of your button.
Color button - Please select the button color (dark or light)
Extra class name - If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.