
This shortcode allows adding a section with contacts to the page.


Here you can choose the template style for your Contents shortcode (Classic, Modern, Simple, Acacio Simple, Acacio Classic, Acacio Modern, Djo Modern, EWO Modern, Mooseoom Simple, Moovit Simple, Moovit Classic, Moovit Modern, Ninedok Slider, Outsourceo Simple, Outsourceo Classic, Outsourceo with Text, Rela Slider, Karma Political Simple. 

Classic Layout:

Content Settings:

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Heading - Please, enter contacts heading.
  • Email - Please, add an email to the contacts section.
  • Phone - Please, add a phone number to the contacts section
  • Element tag for Heading - Here you can choose a tag for the heading

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Modern Layout:

Content Settings:

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Heading - Here you can add your heading text.
  • Address - Here you can add the address to your contacts section.
  • Text - Here you can add text for the button name.
  • Link - Please, add url to the button.
  • Email - Please, add an email to the contacts section. 
  • Phone - Please, add a phone number to the contacts section. 
  • Networks - This option allows to add the social networks links. 
Network Items:
  • Network - Please, select the network from the list.
  • Link - Please, add the network link to your account.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Simple Style Layout:

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Add item - This option allows you to add new contacts item.

Contacts items:

  • Content - Please, select the contact type (address, email or phone) which you want to display.
  • Icon - Please, select the icon from the list.
  • Heading - Here you can enter the contact heading.
  • Content - Here you can add the content text.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Acacio Simple Layout:

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Heading - Please, enter the heading text
  • Address - Please, enter the address information
  • Email - Here you can enter your contact email
  • Phone - Here you can enter the phone number
  • Networks - Here you can enter your networks information

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Acacio Classic Layout

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for the heading
  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading 
  • Address - Please, enter address information
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section
  • Element tag for Heading - Here you can choose a tag for the heading

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Acacio Modern Layout:

  • Enable light version? - Turn on the switch if you want to display the light version.
  • Acacio Contacts - Please, click on the button  "ADD ITEM"  to add contacts information.
  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading.
  • Address - Please, enter the address information.
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section.
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section.

DJO Modern Layout:

Add item - Click on the button if you want to add new item to this section

  • Element tag for Heading - Please, select heading tag
  • Heading - Here you can add your heading text.
  • Address - Here you can add the address to your contacts section.
  • Phone - Please, add a phone number to the contacts section. 
  • Email - Please, add an email to the contacts section. 

Enable dark style for swiper buttons? - Turn on the switch to display dark style for swiper buttons

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

EWO Modern Layout:

Use custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the heading font.

Use custom font for content? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the content font.

Tatto Contacts:

Add item - Please, click on the button to add new contact.

Item Settings:

  • Element tag for Heading - Please, select a heading tag.
  • Heading - Here you can a heading text.
  • Address - Here we can add the address information.
  • Phone - Here we can add the phone number to the contact info.
  • Email - Here we can add the email to the contact info.

Enable dark style for swiper buttons? - Turn on the switcher if you want to enable dark style for swiper buttons.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Moovit Simple Layout:

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Heading - Please, enter the heading text
  • Text - Here you can add some text to the contacts section

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Moovit Classic Layout:

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for the heading
  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading 
  • Address - Please, enter address information
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section
  • Element tag for Heading - Here you can choose a tag for the heading

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Moovit Modern Layout

  • Enable light version? - Turn on the switch if you want to display the light version.
  • Moovit Contacts - Please, click on the button  "ADD ITEM"  to add contacts information.
  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading.
  • Address - Please, enter the address information.
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section.
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section.

Ninedok Slider Layout

  • Heading - Please, enter the heading text
  • Address - Please enter contact address 
  • Phone - Here you can enter the phone number
  • Email - Here you can enter your contact email

Outsourceo Simple

  • Content - Here you can add the content text.

Outsourceo Classic

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Add item - This option allows you to add new contacts item.


  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading.
  • Address - Please, enter the address information.
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section.
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Outsourceo with Text

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for contact heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Add item - This option allows you to add new contacts item.


  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading.
  • Address - Please, enter the address information.
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section.
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section.
  • Enable light version - Turn on the switcher to display the light version

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Rela Slider

  • Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for the heading.
  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for the content.
  • Turn on light arrows? - Turn on the switch if you want to turn on light arrows.

Contacts items:

  • Element tag for Heading - Here you can choose a tag for the heading.
  • Heading - Please, enter text for the contacts heading.
  • Address - Please, enter the address information.
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section.
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Karma Political Simple

  • Use the custom font for content? - Turn on the switch if you want to use the custom font for the content.

Contacts items:

  • Address - Please, enter the address information.
  • Link Text - Please enter a text for the link
  • Link - Here you can add contact link
  • Email - Here you can add the email to the contacts section.
  • Phone - Here you can add the phone number to the contacts section.
  • Networks - Here you can add networks link for contact section

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category: