Navigation shortcode
Floreal Classic

- Menu - Please, select the menu to display.
- Type of Logo - Please, select the logo type
- Searchbox - Turn on the switch to display the searchbox
- Shopping Cart - Turn on the switch to display the shopping cart
- Max width for menu - Please enter the max width for navigation box
- Use custom fonts for the Cart Number - Turn on the switch if you want to customize typography for Cart Number.
Floreal Footer Navigation

- Title - Here you can the title text.
- Margin spaces for title - Please, select the margin spaces for title.
- Margin spaces for list items - Please, select the margin spaces for list items.
- Menu - select the menu to display.
- Links color on hover - Please, select the links color on hover from the palette.
- Logo on scroll - Here choose an image. Only for fixed header.
- Use custom font for Menu links? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the Menu links.
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