Blockquote (Sterling)
This shortcode allows adding a section with quotes to the page.
Content Settings:
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Quote tag - Please, select the quote tag;
- Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
- Author - Please, enter the author's title.
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
- Content align - Here you can select the content align.
- Max width - Please, select the max-width for the content area.
- Quote padding - Here you can enter the quote padding.
Icon Settings:
- Icon position - Please, select the icon alignment here.
Quote Typography:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the quote.
- Size - Here you can set up the quote size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the quote.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the quote.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the quote decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the quote.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the quote.
Author Typography:
Typography items:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the author title.
- Size - Here you can set up the author title size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the author title.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the author title.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the author title decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the author title.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the author title.
Bizy Simple
Content Settings:
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Quote tag - Please, select the quote tag;
- Author Image- Select the image.
Bizy Image Size:
Image original size - Select the image size.
Blockqoute 1
Content Settings:
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Quote tag - Please, select the quote tag;
- Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
- Author - Please, enter the author's title.
- Max width - Please, select the max-width for the content area.
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
- Use custom font for date? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for a date.
Quote Typography:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the quote.
- Size - Here you can set up the quote size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the quote.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the quote.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the quote decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the quote.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the quote.
Famulus Author Typography:
Typography items:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the author title.
- Size - Here you can set up the author title size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the author's title.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select a text style for the author's title.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the author's title decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the author title.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the author title.
Blockqoute 2
Content Settings:
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Quote tag - Please, select the quote tag;
- Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
- Author - Please, enter the author's title.
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
- Max width - Please, select the max-width for the content area.
- Quote padding - Here you can enter the quote padding.
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
- Use custom font for date? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for a date.
Quote Typography:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the quote.
- Size - Here you can set up the quote size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the quote.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the quote.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the quote decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the quote.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the quote.
Famulus Author Typography:
Typography items:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the author title.
- Size - Here you can set up the author title size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the author's title.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select a text style for the author's title.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the author's title decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the author title.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the author title.
Blockqoute 3
Content Settings:
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
- Quote padding - Here you can enter the quote padding.
Table Lists:
- Quote - Here you can add the quoted text.
- Date - Here you can add the quote date.
- Author - Please, enter the author's title.
Background text - Please, enter the text for background here.
Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
Align - You can select the alignment of the background text here.
Use the custom font for background text? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the background text.
Size icon - Write the number for the font size of the icon.
Color icon - Please, choose the color for the icon from the color palette.
Color box-shadow - Please, choose the color for the box-shadow from the color palette.
Author Typography:
Typography items:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the author title.
- Size - Here you can set up the author title size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the author title.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the author title.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the author title decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the author title.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the author title.
Blockqoute 4
Content Settings:
- Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
- Position - Here you can add the text of the position.
- Use the custom font for the position? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the position.
- Align for tablet - Please, select the alignment of the quote for the tablet.
- Align for mobile - Please, select the alignment of the quote for the mobile.
Blockqoute 5
Content Settings:
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Quote tag - Please, select the quote tag;
- Author - Please, enter the author's title.
- Content align - Here you can select the content align.
- Max width - Please, select the max-width for the content area.
- Quote padding - Here you can enter the quote padding.
- Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
- Use custom font for date? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the date.
- Date - Here you can add the quote date.
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
Icon Settings:
Icon position - Please, select the icon alignment here.
Blockqoute 6
Content Settings:
- Quote tag - Please, select the quote tag;
- Max width - Please, select the max-width for the content area.
- Quote - Here you can add the quote text;
- Author - Please, enter the author's title.
- Position - Here you can add the text of the position.
- Use the custom font for the position? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the position.
- Use the custom font for quote? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the quote.
- Use the custom font for author? - Turn on the switcher if you want to use a custom font for the author.
Soapy Position Typography:
If you turn on the switcher "Use custom font for date?" in Content Settings you can customize font for the date.
Alignment - - Here you can select the position alignment.
Typography items:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the position.
- Size - Here you can set up the position size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the position.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select a text style for the position.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the position decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the position.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the position.
Soapy Quote Typography:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the quote.
- Size - Here you can set up the quoted size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the quote.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select the text style for the quote.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the quote decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the quote.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the quote.
Soapy Author Typography:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the author title.
- Size - Here you can set up the author title size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the author title.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the author title.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the author title decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the author title.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the author title.