Twitter (Sterling)
This shortcode allows adding a section with images on your twitter account.
- Twitter username - Here you can add the twitter username
- Count of twitts - Add the number of twitts here.
- Enable light style? - Turn on the switcher if you want to enable the light style.
- Use custom font for username? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the typography for the username.
- Use custom font for twitter text? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the typography for the twitter text.
- Use custom font for description? - Please, turn on the switch if you want to customize the description typography.
Username Typography
Alignment - - Here you can select the username alignment.
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the username.
- Size - Here you can set up the username size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the username.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the username.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the username decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the username.
Twitter Text Typography
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the twitter text.
- Size - Here you can set up the twitter text size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the twitter text.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the twitter text.
- Decoration - Please, select style for the twitter text decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the twitter text.
Description Typography:
Alignment - - Here you can select the description alignment.
Text Color - Here you can select description color from the palette.
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the description text.
- Size - Here you can set up the description text size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the description text.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the description text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the description text.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the description text decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the description text.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the description text.
Twitter 1:

- Enable light style? - Turn on the switch to enable light style.
- Description - Add some text for description.
- Hashtag - Add some text for hashtag.
- Link - Add some link.
- Use custom font for description? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the description typography.
- Use custom font for hashtag? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the hashtag typography.
- Use custom font for link? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the link typography.
- Twitter Icon Color - Please choose color for twitter icon.
- Twitter Icon Size - Please enter twitter icon size.
Description Typography:
Alignment - - Here you can select the description alignment.
Text Color - Here you can select description color from the palette.
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the description text.
- Size - Here you can set up the description text size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the description text.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the description text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the description text.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the description text decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the description text.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the description text.
Hashtag Typography:
Alignment - - Here you can select the hashtag alignment.
Text Color - Here you can select hashtag color from the palette.
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the hashtag text.
- Size - Here you can set up the hashtag text size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the hashtag text.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the hashtag text.
- Style - Please, select text style for the hashtag text.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the hashtag text decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the hashtag text.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the hashtag text.
Link Typography
If you turn on the switcher "Use custom font for link arrow?" in Content Settings you can customize font for the link text.
Text Color - Here you can select link arrow text color from the palette.
Typography items:
- Family - Here you can select the typography for the link text.
- Size - Here you can set up the link text size.
- Weight - Please, select the weight for the link text.
- Transform - This option allows to change the case of the text.
- Style - Please, select a text style for the link text.
- Decoration - Please, select a style for the link text decoration.
- Line-Height - Here you can enter a line height for the link text.
- Letter Spacing - Here you can enter a letter spacing for the link text.