Features Single Shortcode
Layout Settings:
Here you can choose features template style. This theme includes Floreal Minimal, Floreal Packages and Floreal Classic Layouts
1. Kunst Years Layout
- Link- Here you can add a link.
- Title- Here you can add a text for the title
- Year- Here you can add a year.
- Use the custom font for the year? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize typography.
- Use the custom font for the description? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the description typography.
- Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize heading typography.
2. Kunst Single Layout
- Image - Here you can choose an image.
Images Size:
Image size - This option allows you to resize the image. You can choose the needed size from the list or enter custom image width and height.
3. Simple Layout
- Heading - Here you can enter the heading text.
- Use the custom font for heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize heading typography.
- Description - Here you can add the text for the description.
- Use the custom font for the description? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the description typography.
Icons Settings:
- Add address icon? - Here you can add an icon.
- Icon library - Here select the icon library.
- Ion Icons - Here you can select ion icons.
- Align - Please, select the align of an icon.
- Icon color - Please, select the icon color from the pallete box.
- Icon font size - Here you can select icon font size.
4. Kunst Mosaics Layout
- Skin - Here you can change skin.
- Use the custom font for title? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the title typography.
- Use the custom font for terms? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize the terms typography.
Images Size:
Image size - This option allows you to resize the image. You can choose the needed size from the list or enter custom image width and height.
Data Settings:
- Data source - Please, select the content type to display
- Terms - Please, select the terms to display
- Hide posts that have not main thumbnails? - Turn on the switch if you want to hide posts that have not main thumbnails.
- Total items - Set max limit for items in a grid or enter -1 to display all (limited to 1000).
- Offset - Here you can enter the number of grid elements to displace or pass over.
- Order by - Select order type. If "Meta value" or "Meta value Number" is chosen then meta key is required.
- Sort order - Here you can select the sorting order.
- Excerpt Length - Set the excerpt length or leave blank to set default 55 words
- Narrow data source - Please, enter categories, tags or custom taxonomies.
- Exclude - Exclude posts, pages, etc. by title.
5. Kunst Features Modern Layout
- Heading - Here you can enter the heading text.
- Use the custom font for heading? - Here you can customize heading typography.
- Description - Here you can add the text for the description.
- Use the custom font for the description? - Here you can customize the description typography.
- Link Text - Here you can enter a link text.
- Link - Here you can enter a link.
- Number Section - Here you can enter a number section.
- Use the custom font for Number Section? - Here you can customize the number section typography.
- Use the custom font for the link? - Here you can customize the link typography.
Images Size:
Image size - This option allows you to resize the image. You can choose the needed size from the list or enter custom image width and height.
6. Features Single 33 Layout
- Heading - Here you can enter the heading text.
- Use the custom font for heading? - Here you can customize heading typography.
- Description - Here you can add the text for the description.
- Use the custom font for the description? - Here you can customize the description typography.
- Align - Here you can select an align.