Features Single


  • Image - Here you can add the image.
  • Heading - Here you can add the text for the title.
  • Use the custom font for Heading? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize title typography. 
  • Description - Here you can add the text for the descriprion.
  • Use the custom font for Description? - Turn on the switch if you want to customize description typography. 
  • Desktop aligh for the content - Here you can choose the position of your content on desktop.
  • Tablet aligh for the content - Here you can choose the position of your content on tablet.
  • Mobile aligh for the content - Here you can choose the position of your content on mobile.
  • Link Text - Here you can add a text for your link. And below you can add a link.


Add icon? - Click here if you want to add icons.

Images Size:

Image size - This option allows to resize image. 

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category: