This shortcode allows adding a section with lists to the page.
- First Column Title - Add the text for the first column title here.
- Second Column Title - Add the text for the second column title here.
- Third Column Title - Add the text for the third column title here.
Table Lists:
- First Item Text - Here you can enter the first text for your item.
- Second Item Text - Here you can enter the second text for your item.
- Third Item Text - Here you can enter the third text for your item.
- Add button? - Here you can add a button for the item.
- Layout - Here you can choose a layout for the button.
- Name - Here you can enter the name for the button.
- Link - Here you can add a link for the button.
- Style - Here you can choose a style of a button.
- Size - Here you can choose a size of a button.
- Type - Here you can choose a type of a button.
- Box shadow - Turn the switcher on if you want to add box shadow. Note: it only works if the box-shadow is specified in skin generator.
- Enable full width - Turn the switcher on if you want to make the button fill width.
Background color - Here you can add a background color for this section.
Use custom font for top headings - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the font of the top headings.