In the source tab you can deeply customize the type of content that you want to display inside a grid.
We have added all options which Wordpress offers to query the content from post types. There isn't any limitation and the possibilities are infinite.
You will be able to filter you content by any category(ies), status, author(s), meta key(s), etc...
N.B : By default the grid will display all the posts ordered by date in descending order (...,4,3,2,1,0).
Item Number correspond to the number of elements initially loaded in the grid:
- -1 : load all posts from the selected post type
- 0 : Correspond to the default number of "post per page" set in the native Wordpress settings (Wordpress Settings > Reading)
Post type correspond to the main content you want to load in the grid like your post(blog), portfolio, product,...
You can add multiple post types per grid (unlimited number).
Post status correspond to the current post status you want to make appear in the grid.
By default publish statut is enable. But if you want, for example, to only display your futur blog posts (which you are currently writing) you can select "pending" or "draft" status.
Category Filter - In this section you can select several categories in order to filter the grid by the selected categories.
When one or more categories are selected then the grid with only display these categories from the current post type(s).
If no category is selected, then the grid will display all available categories from the current post type(s).
Exclude items - If you need to exclude some posts you have the possibility to add the ID of these posts in the field Exclude items.
In this text field you should enter the ID(s) of the post(s) to exclude from the source. Each ID must be separated by a comma.
You can also use the preview mode to exclude items and auto fill this field by click on the eye icon.
Ordering - Now that you setup the content of the grid, you can arrange it by different types of parameters.
You can order by date, title, post ID, number of comments, authors, meta key(s),...
All the possibilities offered by Wordpress are available.
Ordering Example : Display the most like post using the built in post like system from the Grid Plugin.
By ordering with a numeric meta value, you will be able to display the most like post by descending order for example. The meta key name is "_post_like_count".
The image below illustrate this example. It can be expanded to any meta key.
Meta Key Filter - If you want to deeply customize the content/source filter, you can use the drag and drop Meta Key filter interface.
With meta key, you will be able to filter your content by certain value such as, number of like, product price, product in sale,...
Meta data are generally used by 3rd party plugins in order to add some additionnal content to a post type (woocommerce price for example).
So, if you want to use a meta key to filter the content, you must ask to the plugin/theme author what is the meta key name which store the value you are searching for.
Meta Key Filter Example 1 : Display only posts which have more than 5 likes (using our built-in post like system).
The image below illustrate this example. It can be expanded to any meta key.
Meta Key Filter Example 2 : Display only products on sale.
Meta Key Filter Example 3 : Display only products on sale with a price superior to 40$ and with available stock. And orderby sale price in ascending order (from lowest to highest sale price).