The grid plugin offers 3 main types/layouts to display your content:

  • Masonry (preserve the natural aspect ratio of images and content)
  • Grid (each item are proportional to each others)
  • Justified (each item have the same height in a row)

You can adjust the space between each item in the grid thanks to the gutters options.
If you are in Grid style, then you will have the possibility to adjust the item ratio. It corresponds to the ratio between the width and height of the item in the grid (like 4:3, 16:9 format).
Each item in the grid can have different sizes (number of row & column). The size of an item can be set in each edit post page or directly in the preview grid mode.

There is also an option to override all item sizes individually set for any post types.
In that way you can force each element in the grid to have the same size even if a size was set individually for an item.

Column settings - The Columns section will allow you to assign a number of column for different screen widths.
You can also set up the associated browser width for each number of column by activating "advanced column settings".

In preview mode, you have the possibility to switch from the different browser widths and to check what will look like the grid for different widths.