N.B: You will find in the main downloadable .zip package on CodeCanyon (under download section), several custom skins which replicate all native skins provide with The Grid

Item Skin

In this tab section you can set appearance of elements inside the grid for each post types.
You will find a dropdownlist to select the post type for which you want to select a skin.

Depending if you are on Masonry or Grid layout, available skins will be different.

Masonry Skins:

Grid Skins:

Just click on the desired skin to select it.

You also have the possibility to add a skin per item in the grid. In each edit page of a post type you will find a box where you can select a skin for the current post.
These settings are also available in the preview mode by clicking on the setting icon. When a skin is selected for a post then it will override the default skin set in the Grid Admin panel.

Skin colors - You will find two color palettes to add custom colors to the skins.

  • Content Background Color
  • Overlay Background Color

Content Background color corresponds to the background color where the excerpt of the post is displayed.
Opposed as the overlay background color which corresponds to the background over an image.
For each of these background colors you can set an associated color scheme. This color scheme can be this in Global Options

Navigation Skin

The Grid comes with 7 navigation styles. Navigation correspond to the buttons, dropdown lists, slider arrows,...

You can customized colors of the navigations elements thanks to the colors palettes. You have the possibility to set this color for inactive and active state.
Navigation background color is only available for background styles.