In this admin panel you will find general options about The Grid plugin:

  • Color Schemes options
  • Image sizes options
  • Lightbox settings
  • Mediaelement options
  • Smart resize option
  • Caching system

Color schemes :

Previously, in the section Skin Settings we have talk about how to apply a color scheme to a skin. These text colors can be setup in this admin panel.
There are 2 color scheme: dark and light. For each color scheme you can set the color title, the paragraph color and the sub-element color like span tag (category, date,...).

Image sizes :

You have the possibility to add and customize 5 additional image sizes that we added in the Grid Plugin.
These image sizes can be used in the media tab when creating/editing a skin.

N.B. : If you have uploaded images before installing the grid plugin and you want to use this image sizes then you must regenerate your images with a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin.

LightBox :

The Grid include it's own ligthbox plugin. This lightbox is compatible with image and hosted/embed(youtube,vimeo) video.
You can customize the lightbox color from the Grid.

If you are currently using another lightbox plugin and that you want to keep using it, The Grid is also compatible with these two lightbox plugins:

  • FancyBox Plugin
  • Prettyphoto plugin
Medialement :

Mediaelement is an html audio/video jquery plugin natively included in Wordpress. It allows to play hosted audio and video media in a customizable interface.
The grid is compatible with Mediaelement. Because mediaelement is a native functionality of Wordpress, most of developers include it in themes.
So by using mediaelement, you maybe already have a stylesheet included in your theme that apply style to the mediaelement player.
This styles can create conflict with the grid plugin. Our plugin will try to remove this style sheet (when you activate Add Mediaelement Grid StyleSheet) but if the styles are included in the main style sheet of a theme then conflicts can appear.
We cannot be reponsible of these type of issues because it's an unevitable conflict. In that case you should contact the theme author to ask how and where he add styles for mediaelement.

Smart resize :

By using smart resize, you will reduce the number of calculation during resizing the browser.
This allows you to improve performance while resizing browser.
This feature can create an horizontal scrollbar during resizing depending of the theme layout. If you encounter any problem, please deactivate this option.

Caching System :

We created a caching system in order to increase performances and reduce the loading time.
When the cache is enable, the grid will become static and if new post is added then it will not appears in the grid.
You need to clear the cache every time you change something to a post (change image, title, content,...) or create/remove a post.
When a grid is save, then the cache for this grid is clear. You can manually clear the cache in the global settings panel.

N.B. : If you are already using a cache plugin, then you don't need to activate this cache option. If you frequently update/add posts then you should not use this option.

Debug Mode :

The Grid use minify file on front end in order to reduce file sizes. So, if there is some issue in the script, it will be hard for us to debug.
That's the reason we created a debug mode in order to easly identify an issue on your website and to fix it.
You should not use this option for performance reason. Only activate this option when you need to debug the plugin.