You can now with The Grid replace any template which use a main Wordpress query.
It means that you can easily replace your index blog page, search & archive template or shop archive page from Woocommerce.
The grid will automatically fetched the right content from these templates and displayed items in the grid.

To replace the index/search/archive templates of your Theme, you need to edit the index/search/archive.php file located at the root folder of your theme:

In these files, you will find the main loop:

if ( have_posts() ): while ( have_posts() ): the_post(); // some code from your theme // ... // ... endwhile; endif;

You just need to replace all the previous php code by this line of code:

The_Grid('My Grid Name', true); // where true is for template mode

In the grid settings under skin tab, you need to setup the skin used for each post type.
The number of item on load present in the grid can be set as usual in Wordpress > Settings > Reading panel.
You can't control this number the grid settings because it's part of the main query of the current template you are trying to replace (this is how Wordpress works).
However, you can control the number of items to load more with ajax method if you are using an ajax pagination or a load more button.

You can do the same thing for Woocommerce archive-product.php template. You need at first to replace this archive template by adding it in your theme (or child theme):


Then you just need to replace in this file the main loop as explained previously. That's all!

N.B.: For any modification, you should use a child theme.

If you don't have a child theme then you should ask to the theme author.