Other settings


Blog settings.

In order to change blog settings go to Site Options > Blog tab.

Twitter & Google Maps API

Find here more information about Twitter and Google Maps API.

Due to recent changes on Twitter and Google Maps policy, they require clients to generate unique API for their services. How to generate such an API and how to configure, you can find under Site Options> Google Maps API / Twitter API.

WPML Configuration

Learn how to setup WPML plugin.

Plase note that WPML plugin is not included in the pack, you have to buy it separately. After you install and activate it, please go to "Languages" and scroll down to "Language switcher options" and check the "Link to home of language for missing translations" option.

Live Popups

Learn how to control our live popups.

To control the Popups, please go to Site Options> Live Help Popup. There are 2 different type of popups which you can control in a drop-down menu. One of them is opened by default, the other is hidden under a circle icon.