9.1.3. Testimonials short-code
Testimonials short-code:
This short-code allows adding testimonials on your website.
Testimonials Settings (Parent shortcode parameters).
Parent shortcode parameters:
- Style - chose between different styles
- Autoplay (sec) - allows autostart playback (in seconds). 0 - off autoplay.
- Speed - speed animation. Default 1000 milliseconds
- Count of sliders for middle desktop - chose the value for desktop
- Count of sliders for tablet - chose the value for tablet
- Count of sliders for mobile - chose the value for mobile
- Loop - click yes to enable loop
- Extra class name - class name for the element. Allows to set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.
Testimonials item Settings (Child shortcode parameters).
- Image - upload image
- Stars - add stars
- Content - a short description feedback
- Author`s name - add name
- Position - add position
Design Options:
- CSS box. This option allows you are able to control paddings, margins, border, and radius.
- Border color. This option allows the select color of the border.
- Border style. This option allows the select style of the border.
- Border radius. This option allows the select radius of the border.
- Background. This option allows setting different types of background images.
- Box controls. This option allows the select controls.