1.3 Install Demo Data
Note: In order to import demo data, make sure that you've installed all required plugins, you can read here how to do that.
To import demo data you need to follow
Check Minimal Requirements
- Go to appearance > Import Demo Data
- Will Open your first screen of importing Demo Data, Please see there is a
minimal requirements - If all the Actual Configurations are green, click Let's Go
Install/Activate Required Plugins
If you missed installing
In case that you've installed all the Plugins, following screen should show up.
Import Demo Content
Note: We call Demo Content all pages that we've created and page options, widgets etc..
Once you arrived on this page, you've 2 options:
- To import everything
- To Import just that content that you wanna have on your website.
Note, if you choose to IMPORT EVERYTHING,
Choose What Pages To Import
If you clicked on Choose What Pages To Import, you will be redirected to a section with all homepages.
- Select all homepages that you would like to be imported.
- Click Next Button to move to the next step.
- Do All the steps until all the sections will be imported.
Note: In case that you don't have all the Configuration Options Green, we're suggesting to select max 3 pages - per section.
Import All Content
If you decided to import everything, once clicked Import all content it should redirect you to decide which configuration you will not want to be imported. Please find below
- Default Pages - All pages that are part of our system and will require to be mandatorily
saved .Portfolio Details. - Shop - All pages and products related to WooCommerce, in case that you decide not to
install unselect this Option. - Widgets - All Widgets that are on Blog or other Widgets area.
- Default Theme Options - Predefined Theme Options.
- Customizer Options - Predefined WordPress Customizer Theme Options.
One More Step
Our theme is bundled with Grid Plugin, which requires your attention in order to make all the demo date work properly
1) Open admin Dashboard
2) Go to the Grid item here: 3) Here you can find all the templates of this grid:
To get these posts you need to re-save the templates that you need. You can do this as follows
1) Click on edit button here:2) Click on the save button here:
That's all you chose the