3.2 Portfolio details

Portfolio General Options

Image gallery - Here you can add the images to your portfolio.

Select size for images of gallery - Here you can select the size for your images.
Select style for gallery - Here you can select the style for the gallery.
Social sharing in portfolio post - Here you can enable the social sharing.
Additional button - Here you can add the additional button.
Additional button URL - Here you can add the additional URL of the button.
Button style - Here you can select the style for the button.
Navigation in portfolio post - Here you can enable the navigation in the portfolio post.
External link - Here you can add the additional link.
Disable lines for this page? - Here you can disable the lines in the page.
Page menu - Here you can select the menu on the page.
Change menu style for this page? - Here you can change the menu style on the page.
Change style menu on scroll for dark style? - Here you can change the style menu on the scroll for the dark style. Note! Only for Classic and Only Logo menu style.
Site Logo - Here you can upload your logo.
Site Logo on scroll - Here you can upload the logo on the scroll.
Site Logo on mobile - Here you can upload the logo which will display on the mobile device.
Change Header Scroll Background Color - Here you can select the color for header scroll.
Change Header Scroll Text Color - Here you can select the color for the text scroll.
Fixed and transparent footer - Here you can enable the fixed and transparent menu.
Footer Menu align - Here you can select the position for the menu.
Enable Footer copyright - Here you can enable the copyright for the footer.
Copyright align - Here you can select the position for the copyright.
Enable Footer Social - Here you can enable the socials for the footer.
Enable Footer widgets - Here you can enable the widgets for the footer.



Left Gallery

Simple Gallery

Simple Slider


Tile info

