9.1.8. Skills short-code

Skills short-code:

This short-code allows adding the image, title, position, social links on your website.

Skills Settings (Parent shortcode parameters).

  • Type - This option allows select  styles between Numerical, Circle, Image with lines and Text with lines 

Numerical ( Values ):

  • Number - This option allows adding the numbers
  • Symbol - This option allows add the symbol
  • Title - This option allows adding the text block.
  • Extra class name - This option allows to name the class name for the element. Also, you can set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets.

Circle  ( Values ):

  • Number -  This option allows adding numbers
  • Title - This option allows adding the title.
  • Text - This option allows add the text.
  • Extra class name - This option allows to name the class name for the element. Also, you can set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets

Text with lines( Values ):

  • Main title -  This option allows adding the main title.
  • Subtitle -  This option allows adding the subtitle.
  • Text - This option allows adding the text.
  • Skills - This option allows put your skills.
  1. Title - This option allows adding the title.
  2. Number - This option allows adding the numbers.
  3. Text color - This option allows choose the color of text.
  • Extra class name - This option allows to name the class name for the element. Also, you can set up additional decorations for the element in CSS stylesheets