
This shortcode allows adding a section with testimonials to the page.


Here you can choose template style for your Testimonials shortcode (Acacio Modern, Famulus Slider Simple, Vestry Modern, Ewo Modern or Moovit Classic)

Acacio Modern Layout:

Content Settings:

Background text - Here you can enter the background text for the testimonial section.

Add item - Here you can add the testimonial item.

Item Settings:

  • Display Image - Here you can choose the image position.
  • Name - Please, enter the author's name.
  • Position - Here you can add the author position.
  • Testimonial - Please, enter the testimonial text.

Hide swiper pagination on desktop? - Turn on the switcher if you want to hide swiper pagination on desktop.

Use custom font for name? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the name text typography.

Use custom font for position? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the position text typography.

Use custom font for testimonials? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the testimonials text typography.

Add your colors for swiper bullets? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add your colors for swiper bullets. After that you will have the next settings:

  • Swiper bullet color - Here you can choose the color of the bullet from the color palette.
  • Swiper bullet active color - Here you can choose the color of the active bullet from the color palette.

Use custom font for background text? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the background text typography.

Images size for testimonial author:

Image original size - Select the image size here.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Famulus Slider Simple Layout:

Content Settings:

Modern Testimonials Items:

Add item - Please, add the item to create and edit the timeline item.

Item Settings:

  • Display Image - Here you can choose the image position.
  • Name - Please, enter the author's name.
  • Position - Here you can add the author position.
  • Testimonial - Please, enter the testimonial text.

Use White Text? - Turn on the switcher if you want to make a white text. Works only for Name and Position.

Use custom font for Testimonials? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the Testimonials typography.

Use custom font for Position? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the position typography.

Swiper Settings:

Change swiper options? - Turn on switcher if you want to change the following swiper options:

  • Arrows - Turn on the switcher to display swiper in arrows style .
  • Pagination - Turn on the switcher to display the sliders pagination.
  • Loop - Turn on the switcher to display the loop effect.
  • Simulate Touch - Turn on the switcher to display the simulate touch.
  • Autoplay - Please, enter autoplay speed(in ms). 0 - autoplay off.
  • Speed - Please, enter speed(in ms).
  • Number of slides - here you can enter the number of slides by default.
  • Number of slides (lg) - Here you can enter the number of default slides on devices width <1200px.
  • Slide count (md) - Here you can enter the default slider count for devices with a width of <991px.
  • Number of slides (cm) - Here you can enter the default number of slides on devices with a width of <768px.
  • Number of slides (xs) - Here you can enter the default number of slides on devices with a width of <480px.
  • Slide spaces - Here you can enter the spaces between the default slides.
  • Spaces (lg) - Here you can enter spaces between slides on devices with a width of <1200px.
  • Spaces (md) - Here you can enter spaces between slides on devices with a width of <991px.
  • Spaces (cm) - Here you can enter spaces between slides on devices with a width of <768px.
  • Spaces (xs) - Here you can enter slides between devices on widths <480px.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Vestry Modern Layout:

Content Settings:

Add item - Here you can add a new item by clicking on the button.

Modern Testimonials Items:

  • Display Image - Here you can add the image for the section.
  • Title - Please, enter the text for the title.
  • Rating - Add rating of the testimonials.
  • Position - Please, enter the text for the author position. 
  • Testimonial - Please, enter the text for the testimonial. 

Use custom font for testimonials? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the font of the testimonials.

Use custom font for name? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the font of the name.

Use custom font for position? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the font of the position.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Ewo Modern Layout:

Content Settings:

Image - Here you can add the image for the section.

Heading - Please, enter the text for the heading.

Use custom font for heading? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the heading typography.

Description - Here you can add the text for the description.

Use custom font for description? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the description typography.

Link Text - Add text for the link here.

Link - Add URL to the button here.

Use custom font for Link? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize the link typography.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Moovit Classic Layout:

Content Settings:

Add item - Here you can add a new item by clicking on the button.

Modern Testimonials Items:

  • Display Image - Here you can add the image for the section.
  • Name - Please, enter the text for the author's name.
  • Position - Please, enter the text for the author position. 
  • Testimonial - Please, enter the text for the testimonial.