
This shortcode allows you to add the button to your page.


Here you can choose the layout (Classic or With Underline).

Classic Layout:

Name - Please, enter the button text.

Link - Please, add a URL to the button.

Style - Here you can select the button style (dark or light).

Size - Here you can select button size (small or large).

Type - Here you can select the button type (reverse or transparent).

Box shadow - This option allows you to add the box-shadow to the button. It only works if the box-shadow is specified in skin generator.

Enable Full width? - Turn on the switcher if you want to enable the full width to the current button.

Add icon? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add the icon to the current button.

Icon Items:

  • Icon library - Please, select the library with the icons.
  • Icon font size - Enter icon font size with units.
  • Icon position - Please, select the alignment of the icon.

Align for Desktop - Please, select the button alignment on the desktop.

Align for Tablet - Please, select the button alignment on the tablet.

Align for Mobile - Please, select the button alignment on the mobile.

Additional button Settings:

Add additional button - Turn on the switcher if you want to add the additional button. Here you can choose the layout (Classic or With Underline) and adjust all the necessary properties for your button depending on the layout. 

With Underline Layout:

Name - Please, enter the button text.

Link - Please, add a URL to the button.

Style - Here you can select the button style (dark or light).

Remove underline? - Turn on the switcher if you want to remove the underline option.

Add icon? - Turn on the switcher if you want to add the icon to the current button.

Icon Items:

  • Icon library - Please, select the library with the icons.
  • Icon font size - Enter icon font size with units.
  • Icon position - Please, select the alignment of the icon.

Align for Desktop - Please, select the button alignment on the desktop.

Align for Tablet - Please, select the button alignment on the tablet.

Align for Mobile - Please, select the button alignment on the mobile.

Additional button Settings:

Add additional button - Turn on the switcher if you want to add the additional button. Here you can choose the layout (Classic or With Underline) and adjust all the necessary properties for your button depending on the layout.