Social Networks

This shortcode allows adding a section with social networks to the page.


Here you can choose template style for your Social Networks (Moovit Modern)

Moovit Modern Layout:

Content Settings:

Add item - Click on the button to add a new social network item.


  • Network - Please, select the network from the list.
  • URL -  Please, enter your network account URL.

Size - Set font size for icons. Be sure you write the numbers.

Socials align - Here you can select the alignment for social network icons.

Socials align on mobile - Here you can choose the alignments for social icons on mobile.
Enable dark style for socials? - Turn on the switcher if you want to display a dark style.
Enable light version? - Turn on the switcher if you want to display a light style.
Use custom font for link? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize font for link text.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category: