Title Bar

This shortcode allows adding a section that displays the title of the software, name of the current page. 


Here you can choose template style for your Title Bar shortcode (Outsourceo Creative or Moovit Modern) 

Outsourceo Creative Layout:

Content Settings:

Breadcrumb type - Please, select the breadcrumb type: by default or custom. If you choose custom you'll see the next options:

Add item - Please, add the item to the current breadcrumb.

  • Breadcrumb Title - Here you can add the text to the breadcrumb title.
  • Breadcrumb URL - Here you can add URL to the breadcrumb link.
  • Check as current page? - Turn on the switcher if you want to check the breadcrumb as the current page.

Use custom font for breadcrumbs? - Turn on the switcher if you want to customize font for breadcrumbs.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category:

Moovit Modern Layout:

Content Settings:

Background - Here you can add the background image.

Overlay color - Here you can choose the overlay color from the palette.

Heading source - Please, select the heading source.

Title tag - Here you can select the title tag.

Title - Please, enter the title text here.

Use the custom font for title? -Turn on the switch if you want to customize the title font.

Search Form - Turn in the switcher and this option allows you to display the search form.

Description - here you can add the description text.

Use the custom font for description? -Turn on the switch if you want to customize the description font.

Content Settings:

Content Max Width - Here you can enter the max-width value for the content.

Title Bar Height - Here you can enter the min-height for the title bar.

Content Light - This option allows you to display content light.

Title bar padding - Here you can enter padding values for the title bar.

How to customize typography you can check in Typography Settings Category: