Step 4: Pages Importing
Template Kits Aheto section gives you access to hundreds of designer-made Page layouts, Headers, Footers, and Skins which you can use on your site. In Page Section, you can find the list with the ready Page templates, which can be imported and used on the website. To do this, select the theme with pages you want to import and click on it.
Here you can find the list with ready theme demos. We call theme demo all pages that we've created and page options, settings, widgets, etc. You can import just that content that you wanna have on your website. To do this, select pages that you would like to be imported.
After that, please, enter a page name and click on the button "Create". After notification about successfull creating, click on the button "Import Template".
All imported pages you can view in Dashboard --> Pages ---> All Pages.